Learn2Analyze Motivation
Digital Learning is a key innovation for both
- higher education in universities, and
- on-demand professional training at the workplace.
To this end, blended and online courses customized to the needs of pre-service students and/or in-service professionals are nowadays widely deployed. In this context, two important job roles are globally recognized in the e-learning job market:
- the Instructional Designers, who design and develop online courses and
- the e-Trainers who support the delivery of these online courses.
Given the importance of these job roles, professional competence frameworks have been developed to define their competence needs, supported by professional development initiatives for cultivating them. However, emerging advancements in Digital Learning related to the use of data-driven design and delivery of online courses, exploiting Educational Data Analytics are not yet addressed by existing competence frameworks. Educational Data Analytics have been attributed with significant benefits for enhancing on-demand personalized educational support of individual learners as well as reflective course (re)design for achieving more authentic teaching, learning and assessment experiences integrated into real work oriented tasks.