imc information multimedia communication AG (IMC)
imc AG is a privately owned company established in 1997. In terms of size and revenue, imc is today Europe’s largest learning management solution provider with the most comprehensive portfolio of e-learning-related products and services. With headquarters in Saarbrücken, Germany, regional branches in Munich, Freiburg, Essen and subsidiaries in Australia (Melbourne), Great Britain (London), Austria (Graz), Romania (Sibiu), Switzerland (Zurich) and Singapore imc AG employs over 350 employees worldwide supporting companies, public institutions and training establishments of all sizes and from all industries with the implementation of tailor-made training processes.
imc’s integrated product portfolio comprises solutions in the fields of learning and talent management, eLearning content, authoring and publishing, business process guidance, smart shows and video, as well as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Moreover, imc has rich experience of participation in and managing of many national and international research projects. With its partners, imc investigates new trends in learning technologies and creates prototypes of new learning software in the fields of learning management systems, MOOC software systems, content management, performance support, authoring tools, Social Learning as well as web-based and mobile platforms. Indicative projects include DEVELOP, Go-Lab, RHAPSODY, MIRROR, Software-Cluster, ROLE, and many others (an overview is available here).
Dr. Uta Schwertel
imc information multimedia communication AG
Scheer Tower, Uni-Campus Nord
D-66123 Saarbruecken / Germany
Phone: +49-681 9476 0
E-Mail: uta.schwertel@im-c.de