Lattanzio Learning s.r.l. (LL)
Lattanzio Learning, a Company of the Lattanzio Group, is leader since over 15 years in the e-Learning content production for third parties and in the implementation of technological solutions and services for training (Technology Based Learning, TBL). Headquartered in Rome with subsidiaries in Genoa, Milan, Bari, Brussels and Washington the company integrates heterogeneous new media professionals, with a reference of more than 300 projects successfully realised. The Research and Development department of LL focuses on the development of several research branches within learning and content management information technology ranging from cloud-based L(C)MS, to latest VR/AR and mobile technologies. LL provides consultancy about eXact learning LCMS, developed by eXact learning solutions sister company. eXact learning LCMS offers Single Source Multiple Outputs (SSMO) authoring facilities to provide SCORM compliant e-learning courses as well as documents, presentations, ePub and other formats of materials on a wide range of topics that can be delivered at a distance (e-learning, m-learning) or through blended training. LL is one of the few European company deeply involved in all the official international standards implementation entities (IEEE LTSC, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC36, CEN/ISSS WSLT, IMS e ADL-SCORM) and Technical Chair of IMS Technical Board and board of the ELIG (European Learning Industry Group). The company has been also officially involved in the definition of the new generation technological Specifications for e-learning from IMS Global Learning Consortium and the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative of the US Department of Defence (SCORM and xApi specifications).
Elisabetta Parodi
Lattanzio Learning S.r.l.
piazza della Vittoria 11A/10 (4° piano)
16121 Genova / Italy
Phone: +39 0108177500